2024 Member Reward

So what do you need to do to qualify for this reward? You will need to complete ALL of the following by the specified dates (For Returning Members):

1. Renew ACV membership by April 1st

2. Renew TASO membership by TASO Deadline (Right now they have First Week of March Listed, watch for final date soon)

3. Attend one of the Two Webex ALR Meetings: June 12th or July 18th - (Makeups do not qualify for the reward, but are still required to meet ACV training requirement)

4. Submit Availability Sheet to Janiece by June 1st. (Watch for email when form is available)

5. Pass the TASO test by July 28th

6. Complete the TASO Education Requirement by July 28th (Attend State Meeting, Regional Clinic, or online clinic)

7. Sign up for Scrimmages by July 28th

8. Attend August 7th in person meeting and collect reward (You must be Present to Collect your reward)


In an effort to help you track your progress on rewards the following Google Sheet is Active and you can see where you are at by your TASO ID number. This form has a Date at the top that lets you know when it was last updated. It will be updated once or twice a month until we get closer to deadlines then I will update as needed. We will work to put all of this on the website as well.
