ACV Newsletter 4

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 4


Reward for 2015 Members

Due to a surplus in funds the Chapter has accumulated, your Board has decided to return some of these funds back to you. As 2016 marks the year that all members must have a shirt with the updated red, white and blue logo, we have arranged a deal with so that anyone who needs a new shirt this season will be able to get one for free. Also, knowing that some of you may prefer a different shirt or already purchased shirts last year, there are other items available for you.

In order to claim your free shirt, or other items you must submit a 2015 Renewal Members Award Order Form.

Log in to Arbiter. Click on Lists. Click on Forms.
Download one of the versions and complete the form.
It is preferred that you email it back to me at
If necessary, it can be snail mailed to me at the address on the form.
A reminder that you must be current on both your Austin Chapter 2016 Renewal and 2016 TASO Renewal no later than May 2nd in order to claim your $30 package.

Deadline to have your completed order form (and payment if you are ordering an Under Armour shirt) in my hands is May 6th. There are no exceptions to this date as the vendor must have our order in time to ensure in-stock on all of the items.


Returning Member Training

All members who officiated in 2015 must attend either the training on June 18th or the training that follows the District Clinic on July 9th. Soon, you will receive notifications via Arbiter. After you receive these, you will need to access your schedule in Arbiter and accept one of these training sessions. Note that you may have to change the drop down boxes for “Date”, “Group” and “Include” to “All” in order to see these events. You are welcome to attend both, but if you only plan to attend one, please accept the one you will attend and decline the other. Note: If you plan to attend the Returning Member training on July 9th, but are not attending the District Clinic – the 12:30 start time is tentative based on the actual end time of the District Clinic. It will start 1 hour after the conclusion of the District Clinic to allow for lunch.


Off-Season Test – For all members who officiated in 2015

The Austin Chapter Off-season test is now available – sort of. The test is live and available.

However, TASO has had some difficulty with a vendor in processing this year’s background checks. They have switched to a different one. As the checks are processed and members are cleared, access to the TASO site is restored. Your access has nothing to do with whether or not you will clear a background check, but is simply a function of when yours is processed.

The test is located on the TASO site at If you are able to log in, you will see the test under My TASO Links. Note that you have 3 chances to complete the test. Due to parameters currently set by the system, you may only access and complete the test once each week. The goal is to score a 100. It is open book based on last season’s rule book and case book.

If you do not currently have access, please do not email me or TASO, just keep checking back periodically until you are able to log in.


At-Large Reps

We have realigned the At-Large Reps for a more equal distribution of the membership. Remember that they are your first point of contact with any questions or concerns you may have.

A thru G – Rhiannon Stracener (

H thru N – Katherine Bratton (

O thru Z – Gilbert Mokry (


Officiate Texas Day

On Saturday, July 30th, Officiate Texas Day will be held in San Antonio in conjunction with the NASO Summit. Attendance at Officiate Texas Day will fulfill your annual requirement for attendance at the State Meeting or a District Clinic. The cost is only be $35 and will include National speakers and more. Registration is now open on the TASO website. More info as it becomes available.