Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 8
Mandatory Chapter Meeting
All members are expected at the first Mandatory Meeting of the 2016 Season. It will be held at the Austin Police Association Union Hall on August 3 rd from 6:30PM until 8:30PM. The Hall is located at 5817 Wilcab Rd #1, Austin, TX 78721. Sign-In Sheets When you arrive at the meeting on Wednesday, please note that you will sign in with your At-Large Rep. If you are not able to attend, please email your At-Large Rep prior to the meeting with why you are unable to attend.
TASO Rules Test - - - Not the Austin Off-Season Test
The TASO rules test that all members are required to complete prior to working a match is now available. Note that this is not the Austin Chapter Get Ready Test. You should have received an email notification from TASO Thursday evening or Friday morning. In case you missed it, here are instructions on how to access the test. Log in at (not via Arbiter). Near the center at the bottom of the page, you will see “2016 Volleyball Test” and a “Start Test” button. Click on the Start Test button and complete the test. If you don’t remember your password, use the Forgot Password button on the site. The Chapter does not have access to it. Remember, a minimum score of 90 is required to officiate Varsity Matches and Playoffs. By current TASO Policy, a passing score of 70 is required prior to officiating a match – Please take the test as soon as possible.
New Website
Please update your favorites to reflect our new website address – What’s missing from the site that you would like to see added? Send your requests to Kevin or click on the Web Manager link at the bottom of the home page of the site.
First Two Weekends of Tournaments
Some members have inquired as to why they were not assigned tournaments the first two weekends of the season. There are not as many tournaments and officials needed as in year’s past for the weekends of August 11-13 and August 18-20.
Scrimmages – August 5 th and 6 th
Please remember that all members are expected to be available for a minimum of 3 hours of scrimmages. In addition to the obvious training and refreshing opportunities scrimmages offer us, they are also a significant source of chapter funds. If you have not yet self-assigned or been assigned to scrimmages, please self-assign yourself or contact Marilyn.
Your availability should already have been entered in Arbiter. Marilyn will also need a hard copy for her records. The form is available in Arbiter – Lists – Forms.
At-Large Reps
We have realigned the At-Large Reps for a more equal distribution of the membership. Remember that they are your first point of contact with any questions or concerns you may have.
A thru G – Rhiannon Stracener (
H thru N – Katherine Bratton (
O thru Z – Gilbert Mokry (