Newsletter 2017 #2

Austin Chapter Volleyball (ACV) Newsletter 2017
Issue 2
TGCA All-State at Delco Center
Volunteers to ball-shag and line judge are needed to help with the TGCA All-State matches on Tuesday, July 11 and Wednesday, July 12 at the Delco Center.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact David Plaisance at  We need five ball-shaggers for each match.  This is a great opportunity to see some excellent volleyball and prepare for the volleyball season by seeing quality officials work. 
TASO District Clinic in Austin
As a reminder, TASO will offer only five district clinics this season.  The one being held in Austin will be on Saturday morning, July 15, 2017 at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, located at 9500 Neenah Avenue in Austin, Texas.  The clinic is scheduled to start at 9AM and end around 11:30 AM.  TASO will provide on-line registration for all five clinics starting later in May.  Walk-up registration will also be available but at a slightly higher fee.  Check-in will begin at 8:30AM for everyone.  Austin chapter members are asked to help with chair setup starting at 8AM.  As a reminder, all officials are required to attend either one of the five district clinics, the state meeting in the Woodlands, OR the online clinic that will be available later this summer.
Please be sure to check Arbiter regularly.  Our ACV Assigning Secretary, Janiece Nelson, is already posting announcements.  Two of the most recent include information about the availability form and summer league opportunities.
The 2017 ACV Calendar is almost complete.  Dates have been set but we are still trying to secure locations for those dates before releasing it.
Off-Season ACV Test (not to be confused with the TASO Test)
The ACV test will be available starting in May.  More instructions will be provided once the test is on-line on the TASO website.  Please remember that you will also need to take the TASO test, which is usually available in July.
Dates Set for New Member Orientation
Please continue to recruit new officials for our chapter.  The orientation dates have been set for new members to attend and learn more about ACV:
·         Thursday, April 27 at Brushy Creek Community Center at 8:00 p.m.
·         Saturday, May 20 at the Hampton Inn in Buda at 10:00 a.m.
If you know of anyone who is interested in refereeing in the 2017 season, please send the names to Roni Downey at  Remember that you can earn a $25 referral bonus if you refer a member who works a minimum number of matches during the season. 
Next ACV Board Meeting
The next ACV board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25 at 6:30 p.m.  (Location has yet not been set but will be south.)  All board meetings are open to members.  Please contact your at-large representative if you are interested in attending.