Newsletter 2017 #6

Austin Chapter Volleyball (ACV) Newsletter 2017

Issue 6


ACV Chapter Meeting Reminder
The volleyball season is upon us. Please remember that the first mandatory chapter meeting for this season is scheduled for this Wednesday. August 2, Wednesday PRE-SEASON ACV CHAPTER MEETING @ Austin Police Association Union Hall @ 6:30 p.m. Training session will start at 6:00 p.m.

ACV Chapter Training Session
The ACV Trainers will be holding a training session starting at 6:00 p.m. prior to the chapter meeting. While these will be geared towards newer members (those with less than three years of experience), all ACV officials are invited to attend. This month’s training session will focus on pre-match preparations so please attend if you need a refresher.

Communication with At-Large Representatives
Please remember to communicate with your assigned at-large representative for questions about ACV requirements. Also, please notify your at-large representative in advance if you have any conflicts with meeting the requirements.

Scrimmages Set for Friday, August 4 and Saturday, August 5
Everyone should have a scrimmage assignment by this point. Please report to the scrimmage leader at the assigned time so that you will receive credit for scrimmage time. TASO uniform is NOT required at scrimmages; however, remember that appearance is your first impression and you are representing the Chapter.

Mandatory TASO Test – Must Be Completed Before Start of Season
Everyone is required to take the TASO test before being assigned to a match. Please complete the test as soon as possible. You must score a 90 if you would like to be considered for Varsity-level matches.

Message from Assigning Secretary:
Please accept your assignments in a timely manner. If you cannot accept an assignment, it is preferable to discuss first with the Assigning Secretary before declining. Assignments are being released approximately 3-4 weeks in advance sonplease keep your schedule on Arbiter up to date. Contact Janiece at if you have any questions.

TASO On-Line Clinic
The TASO website states that the online clinic will open the week after the Regional Clinics are concluded. The last Regional Clinic was held on Saturday, July 29. Information about the on-line clinic should be forthcoming.

Next ACV Chapter Meeting
The next ACV Chapter Meeting is scheduled as follows:
September 6, Wednesday

MID-SEASON CHAPTER MEETING @ Austin Police Association Union Hall @ 6:30 pm
Training Session will start at 6:00 p.m. prior to the meeting

Have a great volleyball season!!!